What the Heck is SEO?
SEO. Sweet, Easy Optimism? Such Eerie Otters? So, Electricity’s Orange? Alrighty, all silliness aside, the term “SEO” stands for “Search Engine Optimization.” Basically, it’s the tactics and practices site owners implement into their webpages to rank higher in search results. Ya know, to be seen by more people in hopes of increasing the amount and […]
Consumer Psychology: We’re All a Little Selfish Here
Hey, bud. You’re pretty selfish. But ya know what? We’re selfish, too. In fact, everyone’s selfish! No matter how good of a person you are, it’s just a part of human nature to be bit by the Greedy Bug at some point or another. In steps consumer psychology. Still don’t wanna admit that you’re even the […]
Say What You Need to Say: Bringing Your Brand’s Voice to Life
Brand voice. What’s the first thing you think of when you hear branding? Probably the visual stuff, huh? The pretty graphics and the logos and fonts and colors? Betcha didn’t think about the “voice.” You know, the personality a brand uses to communicate with consumers. The way a brand speaks and the impression it leaves […]
3 Essential Skills Our Hive Learned from the Bees
hive (noun): a place swarming with activity hive (verb): to move or live together as one We’re a team that doubles as a group of friends in our marketing agency. And as a tight-knit team, this is our mindset: If one shines, we all shine. If one fails, we all fail. We’re big on cultivating […]